


  • interactivity! introducing the function “grab” as “use” displayed as an pulsing overlay
  • buttons, switches and consoles are only triggerable with the new “use” key
  • dead human bodies can be looted for random ammunition and inventory items
  • killing enemies gives the player random drops like flares, health and ammo
  • pre-placed items like flares, health and ammo are reduced and have a random chance to appear
  • some enemies will spawn in their area but at different places
  • the QuadShot is now an official weapon and can be found with some effort in the campaign.
  • new interactions with the native Nali species
  • Nvidia PhysX decorations



  • increased amount of details on level geometry for each map
  • immersive atmosphere by using Unreal 227 features
  • interesting new changes in trigger mechanics
  • more secrets and new places to explore
  • new simple riddles to solve during the campaign
  • several bug fixes and new bugs 🙂
  • detailed new skybox which fits in to the level seamlessly
  • better feedback when activating mechanisms
  • some maps will be merged to one giant level



  • the suns of NaPali will dazzle the player
  • 2D fire sheets are now replaced by fire emitters, using Unreal Engine 1 fire fx
  • new enemy projectile effects
  • new stunning player weapon effects
  • new explosion effects
  • footstep sounds based on the ground material
  • immersive new sound effects